Quantum Simulation vs Classical Simulation

August 06, 2021


Quantum simulation is gaining momentum in the computing industry as a powerful tool that has the potential to solve complex problems. Despite its recent emergence, quantum simulation is rapidly growing, and it is already competing with classical simulation methods.

In this blog post, we will compare the quantum simulation and classical simulation methods and see which one is better.

What is a Quantum Simulation?

Quantum simulation is a method that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to simulate natural phenomena. It also models the dynamics of quantum systems and processes that classical computers cannot simulate efficiently.

Quantum simulators can efficiently simulate quantum phenomena such as the behavior of atoms, molecules, and complex materials. They can also simulate the behavior of quantum systems under different conditions, making them a powerful tool in quantum research.

What is a Classical Simulation?

Classical simulation is a method that uses classical computers to simulate systems and natural phenomena. It is the most common method of simulation and is widely used in various industries. Classical simulation methods can accurately simulate many natural phenomena, such as fluid dynamics, weather patterns, material behavior, and biological systems.


When it comes to simulation, both quantum and classical methods have their pros and cons. Here are some factors that we can use to compare both simulation methods:

Processing Time

If we compare the processing time of both simulation methods, classical methods are way faster than quantum simulators. Classical computers can perform millions of calculations per second, while quantum computers are much slower in performing calculations. Quantum computers still have a long way to go before they are faster than classical computers.


Quantum simulators can handle much more complex systems than classical simulators. For instance, calculating the interactions between molecules is a complex problem. Quantum simulators excel in this field since they are built around the principles of quantum mechanics, while classical computers use conventional methods to solve the same problem.


Quantum simulators have the potential to provide more accurate results than classical simulators. The behavior of atoms and molecules is governed by quantum mechanics, and classical simulation methods are not always accurate in predicting the behavior of molecules under certain conditions. Quantum simulators, on the other hand, are built around quantum mechanics, and hence they can produce more accurate results.


Quantum simulation is a new and exciting tool in the computing industry that is growing rapidly. While the technology still needs to advance, it can handle more complex systems and is potentially more accurate than classical simulation methods. However, classical simulation methods are still faster and more widely used due to the limited availability of quantum computers.

It is essential to remember that both methods have their pros and cons, and depending on the type of simulation, either method might be more suitable.


  1. Poulin, D. (2020). Quantum computing for the very curious. University of California Press.

  2. Monroe, C., & Kim, J. (2013). Scaling the ion trap quantum processor. Science, 339(6124), 1164-1169.

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